Thursday, June 30, 2016

de vuelta a casa en Mérida

Most of June was spent in California, traveling (via car) between Los Angeles and San Francisco, taking care of a variety of items.....visiting family....eating too much good food....and helping out where we could.

It's good to be back in Merida, though I feel like I am getting reacquainted with everything again. Today we had desayuno at one of our favorite places.
Our friend, Lily, the owner
For all this delicious food and coffee the bill + tip was about $19.00

This afternoon we had chiropractic tune-ups. Yay for no more kinks in my neck! Our pool has been under construction since we left and is coming along great. Hopefully it will be finished in a week.

We also had the kitchen counters tiled which is a better surface, and brightens up the kitchen. I get to paint the cement under the counters tomorrow. We'll see if I picked a good color...