Friday, March 11, 2016

Something About Merida

We are heading back to the U.S after being away for all of 2016 and most of 2015.

The culture and friendly disposition of nearly everyone we encounter is one of the key reasons
why we like to live in Merida.  The vibe of the city feels generally calm and pleasant which
is a sharp contrast to the experiences I often have back in the U.S.  In Merida, it is quite
natural and easy to say 'Good Day' to passersby on the street.  It's also rare to hear a siren
of any kind.

Here are just a few other things I saw in Merida that still stick in my mind:

A local business woman/acquaintance of ours once closed up her business just so she could transport
us (and our luggage) to our casa on a particularly rainy day.

I once saw a local policeman stop and help a guy change the tire on his beat up old Volkswagen.

I love how people don't ask you for any personal information when you drop in to order a custom
made piece of furniture or mirror.

Once, I dropped by the local wood shop. The guy busily cutting wood stopped what he was doing
and helped me immediately find and cut the small piece of wood to my specifications. He then
didn't even want to charge me for the materials or his service!

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